Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ohhh pinterest.....

Seriously pinterest is the devil! Well not really but it is so addicting. I swear by the time we have a kid and actually decorate the nursery the walls will be covered. They have so many ideas on there, and not just for babies. They have meal ideas, budget ideas, organization ideas, hair ideas, fashion ideas, pretty much the ideas are endless. The whole basis of pinterest is you can be looking on the web find something you love and "pin" it. There are so many things I want to do.

Canvas prints for babies room

Shadow box from hospital

Felt ball rug!
More canvas

Book slings

Tree shelves
More art work!
Family birthday signs

Christmas ornaments

And I've already done some stuff, like:
Making this adorable craft cabinet. Saved space in our home & we got the cabinet for free from my Aunt Beth! Used this picture as a guide for mine!

Making your own quoted canvas. This will also help with the baby art I want to make!
And I've gotten some cool ideas for the girls that I nanny like:
Finger paints!

Puffy paint!

Galaxy play dough!

Painting with no mess!
We've also experiment with baking soda and vinegar, made egg shell pictures and they're favorite GAK! So fun! The best thing about pinterest is that you can click on the picture and for the most part it will take you right to the web site! Sometimes though the website isn't there anymore or it will take you to some ad but that's rare! So if you ever come to my house and see this fab decorating idea or craft or whatever the secrets out, I most likely got it from pinterest!

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