Monday, October 15, 2012

I figured I shouldn't be gone too long.

Haven't posted in awhile. These past two weekends have been crazy busy. Both Saturdays we had two weddings to attend and both were beautiful and tons of fun!

Madison's wedding. He looked so handsome & Dalisa looked stunning. They just look so in love and that makes me happy. 10.6.2012
A bunch of us with the beautiful bride who I love dearly. She looked so happy and that made me happy. It was a great night full of laughs and lots of dancing! And Scottie even had someone to talk to which means I didn't have to leave early! Whoo hoo! 10.13.2012
Maple Leaf crew. Even though I don't work there anymore I still snuck in the picture because I absolutely adore these people!

Cousin Heather! (Yes we know beauty runs in the family! Haha)

Me and my hot date. The hubs. Love him to the moon and back.
Side note: Like an idiot I said I would babysit before Denise's wedding. I said yes because 1- I miss the boys like crazy and don't get to see them nearly enough and 2- because I didn't realize how far away the wedding actually was. My bad. I had a freak out moment because Scottie told me he wore his vans instead of his "fancy shoes". Which I shouldn't have had, he still looked fine and I don't think anyone realized they were sneakers and not "fancy shoes". That's one thing I'm really trying to work on. I need to relax plain and simple, I need to go with the flow and not be so OCD. I'm trying- really I am. :)
Here's some cute pictures of the boys I babysat for Saturday before the wedding. (Which again do not do! everyone needs time to get ready!)
This is Jackson. I love him to pieces & I miss him so much! I was the head infant teacher in his room at Maple Leaf. So any chance I get to see him I'll talk it! Even if my hair is extra crunchy because of so much hair spray!

This is Mason, Jackson's big brother. I love him just as much! He's so funny and so adorable!

Jackson's getting so big. He crawls now and pulls himself up on everything.
Then this past Sunday we had Violet's first birthday party which we were honored to attend! She's so stinking cute!

Seriously too cute!
This weekend I'm looking forward to moving slow. We're getting ou pumpkins and craving them hopefully Friday night! Super pumped for that! And then we're going to be a whole bunch of nothing, well at least I don't think there's anything on the calendar! Until next time folks!

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