Monday, October 8, 2012

I just have to say......

I am so blessed to be a nanny. I love my job so much and I love these girls like my own, so it's not work that I get to go to, I get to go to my second home. Well actually my third. First would be my own home with my lovely husband, next my parents which will be forever my home and third here.

Everyday on the way to Michelle's, after getting Gigi (I don't know how they came up with this nickname but I love it, I love saying it. It's so stinking cute.) We drive past a farm. I feel like a little kid every time we go past it. I get so excited to see the animals, it's just so fun. It's almost magical. I just love it. It's fun to see which animals will be out. So far I've seen cows, sheep, geese, peacocks (yes peacocks- so far I've counted three!), and even an ostrich! Yes an ostrich!

I don't know where they get these animals but it's so cool. I've made up a story in my head that they take these animals after where ever they came from can't do it anymore or they're old and they don't want them anymore.

Gigi lives in Alatmont and after driving the back roads all the time on the way to Michelle's I want to live there too. It's so full of life, like literally life. There are farms all over. We see cows all the time, people selling vegetables and pumpkins. I just think that is so cool. And the houses, they are gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. So yea I've decided we're living out there!

Ok end of random post. Have a lovely day. I'll try to get some pictures of this farm! It's so cool!

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