To be honest breastfeeding was never really on my radar. I know it's the best thing for your baby but I never really saw that many people around me breastfeeding and my mom never did so honestly it was a little weird to me. I would always think I don't want a baby sucking on my boob, but it's really incredible. I'm glad I gave it a shot, because I wouldn't have it any other way.
Sometimes I do feel bad though. I know that we have a special bond and with that I know that sometimes my husband gets a little jealous. We started her on a bottle at around a month and I strongly encourage him to feed her at least once a day. It gives him a chance to bond with her like I do and it gives my boobs a break. My boobs are pretty broken in by now and they don't hurt anymore but it nice to get a break. She's still eating about every two hours (sometimes a little longer but usually around two), except at night she goes way longer which is great because I get to sleep!
She loves her daddy!
I also pump, in the beginning I pumped right after most feedings to increase my supply but now I pump pretty much just in the mornings and when Scottie's feeding her or if they still feel really full after a feeding. I get the most in the morning (on average about six or seven ounces, I store then in 4 oz incriminates so I'm not searching for a certain amount) and we have a ton in storage so we're doing good.
Love this!
Of course sometimes when she doesn't eat well and I worry. Sometimes she just doesn't want a lot. I worry if she's getting enough because you never can tell how much they are getting. Or I worry that she's not eating a lot because of something I ate. That's also another reason why I like when Scottie feeds her because I can kind of gauge how much she's eating. She's a quick eater, she usually can finish eating with me in around ten or fifteen minutes, with a bottle she takes longer but that's to be expected. I've learned to trust her, I know she'll eat until she gets full. I have to trust her cues and pay attention to her signals. I try not to watch the clock while feeding her because I know she will tell me when she's had enough.
Judging by those cheeks, I think she's getting plenty! :)
I am so grateful for the whole breastfeeding experience and I hope that it is just as easy with my next babies. I know that not everyone gets to breastfeed because of health issues or because sometimes it just doesn't work out or because they have to go to work and pumping just doesn't work out or they just don't want to and that's fine but I am glad I am able to. I've heard quite a few struggle stories and I give props so those moms who keep going, I'm not sure if I could. So again I'm thankful for our amazing experience, and of course my bargain mentality means we're saving money! I'm hoping we can make it to a year of breastfeeding and then we'll switch to milk.
And just a note: I in no way think that any mother is less of a mother if they chose to formula feed. If breastfeeding didn't go so well I would be formula feeding as well. You have to do what you think is best for you and your baby and if that is formula feeding then so be it. I think the world would be a better place if we stopped judging so much and were more supportive.
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