She's really getting so big! I don't know how much she weighs or how tall she is because she doesn't have a doctors appointment this month and I'm too lazy too figure it out myself. But she is in size 2 diapers now, and she wears 3-6 months (that are a little snug) and 6 months (still has a little room to grow). I recently packed away all her newborn, 0-3 month, and 3 month clothing- bittersweet moment.
Some big changes that I've started to notice is that she is starting to grab things. We put her in her swing now with the toys on the front and she grabs for them, it's so exciting to watch her! I know for those of you who don't have kids are probably reading this and thinking "Big deal, she's grabbing toys." But you wait, when you have kids the littlest things become the biggest deal.
Another fun/big thing is she's starting to "talk". I love listening to her, it's so cute! She's so alert, she's been very alert for a baby since birth but now she's really taking everything in. She's starting to realize when she's not at home, she looks all around with this look on her face. Not really scared but you can tell she knows she's some where different. She also is recognizing faces, if she doesn't know you or remember you and you hold her- beware she may cry.
One of her favorite things to do is to take a bath, she loves it! She loves to splash and swim! She loves to kick! She's constantly moving her legs and feet. She is also a very nosey baby, if you're holding her you should hold her facing out because she loves to watch everything/everyone.Another one of her favorite things is to try to eat her hands. Usually she'll just go for one but recently she's been trying to eat both at the same time! It doesn't really work out for her.
She also seems to be pretty strong. She's always trying to sit up. She tries to sit up on her own but just ends up falling over, but if you take her hands she'll grab on and pull herself up! She also loves to stand and if she sees something she likes she will lean towards and try to get whatever it is. She likes our heart pillows we have out right now and our plaid blanket, she'll look at them and smile. I know, she's a weirdo! Ha
We're starting to get on a little bit of schedule. She goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30, she usually nurses about an hour after she goes down and then she'll get up around 1 am to nurse and again at 4/4:30. She gets up again at around 6:30, nurses a little bit and gets changed. She used to sleep until about 8:30 but now she's decided that she would like to see daddy before he goes to work so she gets up at around 6:30/7 and stays awake for about half an hour to hour before going back to sleep for a little cat nap. I love that Scottie gets to see her before he goes to work, although sometimes it makes it harder to actually go to work. After her cat nap she stays up, gets changed, eats and plays for a little and will usually go back down between 9 and 10.
We are working on taking better quality naps. Sometimes I'll hear her cry and I go to check on her and she's wide awake so I take her out (and she's only been asleep for only half an hour!), but she's still tired, so she'll fall back asleep on me! So instead of taking her out I try to rub/pat her back to calm her down. So far it's been working, I can get her to sleep for at least an hour and a half, which is pretty good. I'll take it. I also try to feed her a little before she goes down to sleep, hoping that it will help her sleep a little longer.
Once that nap is done she gets up, is changed, usually eats and plays some more. Then she'll go down for another nap between 12:30/1:30, and when she wakes up we start all over. Change, eat and play. Her "play" consists on either playing on her floor mat (which she loves, thank you god-momma!), or watching me do chores. She loves when I do dishes, I think she likes to listen to the running water. Now that we have batteries for it, she also likes to sit in her swing and either look at the mobile or try to get the toys on it. If there are no chores to do then I lay her on her boppy and just talk to her, or read her books. She'll usually take a small nap around 4 (usually it's on me) and then that's it till bed time. It works well for her, and she's starting to stay up for longer periods of time which is good because then she can eat good before naps which like I said helps her to sleep a little better.
I'm glad she's on a little bit of schedule, it helps me to be able to organize my day a little bit better. I know when I can shower, work on laundry or do things around the house that need to get to done, and are easier to get down when she's asleep. I love my baby but sometimes she needs to go to sleep! It's been really nice at night when she goes down early, I get a little time to myself. Time to enjoy my TV shows and even better- time with my husband.
Here's a little preview of her three month pictures! Love my bean!
Seriously?! This face! Love her!
My big eyed beauty!
Love that chubby belly!
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