Tuesday, February 18, 2014

3 Months In

I'll say it again, I really can't believe how fast time flies! I can't believe my bean is 3 months old already! She's changing so much every day!

She's really getting so big! I don't know how much she weighs or how tall she is because she doesn't have a doctors appointment this month and I'm too lazy too figure it out myself. But she is in size 2 diapers now, and she wears 3-6 months (that are a little snug) and 6 months (still has a little room to grow). I recently packed away all her newborn, 0-3 month, and 3 month clothing- bittersweet moment. 

Some big changes that I've started to notice is that she is starting to grab things. We put her in her swing now with the toys on the front and she grabs for them, it's so exciting to watch her! I know for those of you who don't have kids are probably reading this and thinking "Big deal, she's grabbing toys." But you wait, when you have kids the littlest things become the biggest deal.

Another fun/big thing is she's starting to "talk". I love listening to her, it's so cute! She's so alert, she's been very alert for a baby since birth but now she's really taking everything in. She's starting to realize when she's not at home, she looks all around with this look on her face. Not really scared but you can tell she knows she's some where different. She also is recognizing faces, if she doesn't know you or remember you and you hold her- beware she may cry.

One of her favorite things to do is to take a bath, she loves it! She loves to splash and swim! She loves to kick! She's constantly moving her legs and feet. She is also a very nosey baby, if you're holding her you should hold her facing out because she loves to watch everything/everyone.Another one of her favorite things is to try to eat her hands. Usually she'll just go for one but recently she's been trying to eat both at the  same time! It doesn't really work out for her.

She also seems to be pretty strong. She's always trying to sit up. She tries to sit up on her own but just ends up falling over, but if you take her hands she'll grab on and pull herself up! She also loves to stand and if she sees something she likes she will lean towards and try to get whatever it is. She likes our heart pillows we have out right now and our plaid blanket, she'll look at them and smile. I know, she's a weirdo! Ha

We're starting to get on a little bit of schedule. She goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30, she usually nurses about an hour after she goes down and then she'll get up around 1 am to nurse and again at 4/4:30. She gets up again at around 6:30, nurses a little bit and gets changed. She used to sleep until about 8:30 but now she's decided that she would like to see daddy before he goes to work so she gets up at around 6:30/7 and stays awake for about half an hour to hour before going back to sleep for a little cat nap. I love that Scottie gets to see her before he goes to work, although sometimes it makes it harder to actually go to work. After her cat nap she stays up, gets changed, eats and plays for a little and will usually go back down between 9 and 10.

We are working on taking better quality naps. Sometimes I'll hear her cry and I go to check on her and she's wide awake so I take her out (and she's only been asleep for only half an hour!), but she's still tired, so she'll fall back asleep on me! So instead of taking her out I try to rub/pat her back to calm her down. So far it's been working, I can get her to sleep for at least an hour and a half, which is pretty good. I'll take it. I also try to feed her a little before she goes down to sleep, hoping that it will help her sleep a little longer.

Once that nap is done she gets up, is changed, usually eats and plays some more. Then she'll go down for another nap between 12:30/1:30, and when she wakes up we start all over. Change, eat and play. Her "play" consists on either playing on her floor mat (which she loves, thank you god-momma!), or watching me do chores. She loves when I do dishes, I think she likes to listen to the running water. Now that we have batteries for it, she also likes to sit in her swing and either look at the mobile or try to get the toys on it. If there are no chores to do then I lay her on her boppy and just talk to her, or read her books. She'll usually take a small nap around 4 (usually it's on me) and then that's it till bed time. It works well for her, and she's starting to stay up for longer periods of time which is good because then she can eat good before naps which like I said helps her to sleep a little better.

I'm glad she's on a little bit of schedule, it helps me to be able to organize my day a little bit better. I know when I can shower, work on laundry or do things around the house that need to get to done, and are easier to get down when she's asleep. I love my baby but sometimes she needs to go to sleep! It's been really nice at night when she goes down early, I get a little time to myself. Time to enjoy my TV shows and even better- time with my husband.

Here's a little preview of her three month pictures! Love my bean!

 Seriously?! This face! Love her!
 My big eyed beauty!
Love that chubby belly!

Friday, February 14, 2014


Well we finally got it. Our little bean was born in November and being a November baby myself I was worried that she would be sick pretty much until spring. My mom never fails to tell me how I was constantly sick, always had boogers and was always cranky so I was a little nervous. But my bean stuck it out. She made it all the way until February!

That's pretty good to me! I mean come on winter's almost over. Oh wait did I say winter's almost over?! Being from upstate New York you never really know when winter will be over. It's the day before Valentine's Day and we're looking to get at least, if not more, another foot of snow. So while I stay optimistic in saying that winter is almost over, sadly it's more than likely got a lot more time here than I would like. (Ok rant about winter is over, sorry!)

So back to the bean. It was last Thursday that I noticed more congestion. I say more because she's always had, what we like to call her pig snort in the morning. (The doctor said it's just because she has boogers in her nose, which is fine because it never really bothered me or caused me any alarm.) Anyways so last Thursday I noticed she was more stuffy than normal and I just knew this was it, she was getting sick. I wasn't surprised either, I was just getting over a cough, and Adora had been sick as well. I'm happy to say it was nothing more than a cold. Thank goodness! She just had a cough and a stuffy nose, no fever- thank goodness!

Still a happy girl even though she was sick.

She was a trooper! Although I hate staying at home during the weekends, unless we have visitors, for my bean I did. We stayed home all weekend, even skipped church. There were no outfits, just nice comfy sleepers. Lots of snuggles and lots of sleeping on mommy or in mommy and daddy's bed. She came on our room at night only two days, and I look at that as a win. Only down side of her being sick was it was obviously a little more difficult for her to nurse, so she was nursing just about every hour and woke up at least three times a night. She spoiled me before and only got up once a night! We had her humidifier in room, running it all day and that seemed to help.

Being sick is exhausting.

Lots of snuggles!

I'd love to say I have the perfect baby and she had her happy personality the whole time she was sick, but no one has a perfect baby so yes our bean got a little cranky at times but who can blame her. Poor thing! I'm sure her throat hurt from coughing, I know mine did!

"Please mom enough with the pictures, I'm sick fr goodness sake!"

Another down side of her being sick was she just couldn't handle the bottle. We tried a couple of times and it just wasn't happening, so back to the boob she went. Last night she actually got down a couple of ounces and didn't cry once during the feeding. I was just worried she would lose the whole bottle thing if we didn't at least try. Now I know it's fine, she's fine, she just couldn't handle it while being sick.

Trying to drink out of a bottle with all this snot in my nose is exhausting!

Although we never had to go to the doctor we did have Mimi (who's an RN) come check on her a couple times. I thought she was doing fine, but it's always nice to hear a second opinion of someone who not only has had her own three kids but who's in the medical profession as well.

Now almost a week later she's almost completely back to normal. Still a little stuffed up and her cough is still lingering but she's back to her happy, playful self!

Back to normal & loving life!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

In Honor of Valentine's Day

I would just like to take a little time out and give a huge thank you to my wonderful husband. I don't know where I'd be without him. He is my best friend, and I really can't put into words just how much I love him but I'm going to try.

First I'd like to say thank you for sticking it out. I was stubborn and thought I had to experience things, maybe date a few different guys all while knowing I had this great guy right there. But he stuck it out, he waited for me and I can not thank him enough. I always knew once we started dating we'd be together forever. We've had a few bumps along the way but who hasn't?!

My guy is pretty amazing. He gets out of bed everyday and gets ready for work even though he'd much rather stay at home with his girls. It is because of him that I get to stay home with our little girl and I couldn't be more grateful to him for that.

Some of my favorite things about him:

-He makes me laugh, no matter what. He is always the one that no matter what can get me to laugh, if I'm mad or sad he knows how to get me to laugh and I love him for that

-He takes out the garbage (usually without me asking) I mean honestly who likes to take out the garbage, not me! So I love him so much for that.

-He knows his weaknesses and let's me take control in those areas, like money. Even though he makes all the money he allows me to keep track of everything and handle the bills.

-He loves me no matter what. After having a baby your body goes through some changes and although I am still adjusting to this new body he never fails to make me feel pretty and I love him for that. Through his eyes I can still say I'm pretty hot!

-He's gotten me involved in church and baseball which I have come to love (even though my favorite red sox just got traded!) so I love him for that.

-He's gotten me to try new things (food wise) and even though I may not always like then I love him for that.

-He married me and I love him for that! I know that sometimes I am not the easiest person to deal with but he does and he does it great!

-He gave me this most amazing gift that we call Penelope. Without him, she wouldn't be here and I so love him for that.

-He is an amazing dad. Watching him with Nella makes me love him even more than I ever thought possible.

Here's a little timeline through pictures (it's a little long, sorry):

 We started hanging out in 2006, I was a senior in high school
 My birthday in 2007, right before we started dating (We started dating on Nov. 23, 2007)
 Our first New Years together
 Scottie's Birthday
 Our first Valentine's Day together
 May 2008
 One of my favorite pictures of us.
 At my sister's wedding. July 2008
 My 21st birthday. Nov. 2008
 Thanksgiving 2008
 Easter 2008
New Years 2009
Trip to Plattsburgh in 2009
 Another favorite picture of us!
 Apple Picking Oct. 2009

 Friends-giving Nov. 2009
Family Thanksgiving 2009
 A fancy show Dec. 2009
 Easter 2010
 Summer 2010
 Thanksgiving 2010
 Christmas 2010
 Easter 2011
 Got engaged on May 17th, 2011
 He pulled me up on stage during one of his concerts & proposed! How amazing is that?!
  My first Red Sox game in the summer of 2011

Wedding August 2011
 Summer 2011
 Our first place! March 2012 And yes we're still here, made some tweaks since this picture and we still love it just as much!
 Easter 2012
 Our wedding day May 20, 2012

 The day was perfect, one of the best days of my life!
 Grandmas's 80th Birthday!
 First Red Sox game as a married couple! Summer 2012
Christmas 2012
 Another wedding! Pregnant with Nella! May 2013
 Summer 2013 (One of my favorite pictures!)
 September 2013
 Nov. 16, 2013. Our baby girl finally arrived
 Our first Christmas as a family of three!
 All dolled up!

And of course following tradition we will by a new movie (we always get a movie that has some sort of love story, or at least a couple in it) and eat ice cream together. We don't buy gifts or spend crazy amounts of money we just spend the night together and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Well that's just a small piece of our journey so far. I still can't believe that this Nov. will mark seven years for us! I can't wait to see what life has in store for us. I just know there are big things to come. I am so grateful to have such a hard working, caring, sweet funny, cute, loving man by my side to navigate through this crazy ride we call life!

And here's a little photo shoot I did with the bean! Enjoy and I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!