Thursday, November 22, 2012


I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already! This year has flown by! I have so much to be thankful for!

So here we go:
I am thankful my wonderful job and the people I work for. I love those girls like family and have a blast everyday with them. I love being able to watch them grow!

I am thankful for my wonderful husband. Even though we bicker/fight sometimes everything always turns out good. I love him so much and am proud to say that I  am his wife. He has come so far in this past year alone, I couldn't be happier!

I am thankful for my beautiful family and my new family. I love my mom & dad so very much, now that I'm grown I'm really beginning to appreciate all that they've done for me and all that they continue to do for me!

I am thankful to be out on our own, in our own home and I can't wait to expand here!

I am thankful for my friends who I love dearly and can talk to about anything! And for my cousins who have become some of the greatest friends anyone could ask for.

I am thankful for my husbands wonderful job.

I am thankful for our family traditions that we have made and for the new ones that me & Scottie make together. Like having his brother & his girlfriend over for a yummy breakfast while watching the parade! 

I just feel so blessed for the life that I have. We may not be extremely wealthy in the money department but I feel extremely wealthy in the love/happiness department and that for me is worth so much more.

I was listening to the radio and heard the DJ talking about how it's great that everyone sits and thinks about how grateful they are for their lives and thinks about what they are thankful for, then the next day turn into crazy animals trying to get "the deal of a lifetime". Ain't that the truth! I'm definitely not one for Black Friday. I just can't handle all the craziness, and I'm not knocking those who do shop on Black Friday (trust me I know there are some amazing deals out there) I just think I'd rather relax and enjoy more family time.

And on that note I must get ready. I have to finish my vegan mini cheesecakes (that truthfully are not turning out so well) and get ready for the day. I treated myself to a new sparkly sweater for today's events! Oh the little things! Well I hope everyone has a beautiful day and enjoys each others company!

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