Monday, November 26, 2012

Tis' the Season!

I say that even though it's not even December 1st yet! I'm just so excited for Christmas this year. Actually that's a lie. I'm pretty much excited for every holiday this year because we have our own place, that I can decorate all by myself and I am loving every second of it! And Christmas is no different! I was so excited to decorate for Christmas I waited a mere two days after Thanksgiving was done and got moving! Tonight I put the last of the lights up!

 That's our house! Absolutely in love! We have little candy canes in the front and around the door! Red and white lights around the windows, and red, green and white in the bush. (And yes Courtney you were right I should of gotten two boxes of lights to go around each pine tree but I didn't so on the bush they went!)

This is on top of our book shelf! This took forever to get right! I started with nothing. I had my eye on this fabulous JOY sign at Target with the matching trees to go with it (a small one and a big one no less) but sadly I had to let that dream go because I just couldn't stomach paying $30 dollars for THREE letters (and no that price does not include the trees- they were $8 and another $12 on their own). I even went to Target on Black Friday to see if they would be marked down & they were not. So because I was to lazy to make my own (which I'm pretty confident I could of done for at least a third of the price) I went home. I went back to Target the next day with my sister and she convinced to by a sign that said MERRY for a mere $12, now that I could handle. So I got home and put it up there to soak in the glory of it. It just wasn't doing it for me. But of course I had to have trees or something to go with it, and I just could not for the life of me find a good tree or trees. So the MERRY sign got returned. Then I went to good old Micheals! Sure enough I found these little gems. (And the two of them together were $12, double score!) I found the candles at Target and I think I'm in love!

 This little guy is from Target as well (are you sensing a theme here?!) I got two of these pillows from Target last year when everything was on sale. Snagged these bad boys for 5 bucks each!

My chandelier in the dining room! So easy to do! Just strung some ornaments on a piece of ribbon and tied it in place. The ornaments do all the magic! Love!

This is my sweet owl garland. Found this gem at Marshalls. Totally worth the 6 bucks I spent on it! Even though it took a little, I finally found the perfect spot for it in our dining room. The sign says "Owl be home for Christmas" Seriously?! Could it be any cuter?!

This is where our stockings will be hanging, waiting for Santa to fill them up! :) I got us some new stocking holders, bobble heads of course! That little candle I got from Kohl's last year on sale for I think $2.50! Me and Scottie both have one, mine is pictured here with a c and he's has an s! (As if he cares! Ha!)

The only things missing are our tree (which we will be getting next weekend!) And Scottie's stocking! Home-made by none other than Grandma Comley! So exciting! He's the only one she has to make this year so hopefully we'll get it before Christmas! He picked out a fire place design, I'm so excited to see it done!

Here's some snapshots from my Thanksgiving. What a wonderful day surrounded by family, good food and lots of love!

(Most of these pictures are from my Instagram. That's why some of them are grainy. Follow me: c_francisco )

 Me and the hubs!

 Me and the Kodster! So glad he was feeling better!
Baby Harper & I! Could she be any cuter?! (Her shirt says "Thankful for mommy")
Yummy food!
Me and Miss Mackenzie! (She's looking to old for my liking!)
Me & my daddy!
Courtney & Kylie doing a little Just Dance to end the night!

That is all for now. I'll be updating this when we have our tree all decorated! Side note: I found the cutest owl tree topper at Target. I wasn't sure if the hubs was going to let that fly but I went for it, I figured well I can always return it. And return it I did, he took one glance at it and without any hesitation said no. We need a star or an angel, that's it. So the owl went back and I picked out a sparkly star instead. 

And p.s. so far the home-made Christmas is going pretty well. It's about half and half gift wise. Half home-made, half store bought. I can't wait to post pictures of the home-made stuff! I love it! Ok seriously I'm done now. Good night.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already! This year has flown by! I have so much to be thankful for!

So here we go:
I am thankful my wonderful job and the people I work for. I love those girls like family and have a blast everyday with them. I love being able to watch them grow!

I am thankful for my wonderful husband. Even though we bicker/fight sometimes everything always turns out good. I love him so much and am proud to say that I  am his wife. He has come so far in this past year alone, I couldn't be happier!

I am thankful for my beautiful family and my new family. I love my mom & dad so very much, now that I'm grown I'm really beginning to appreciate all that they've done for me and all that they continue to do for me!

I am thankful to be out on our own, in our own home and I can't wait to expand here!

I am thankful for my friends who I love dearly and can talk to about anything! And for my cousins who have become some of the greatest friends anyone could ask for.

I am thankful for my husbands wonderful job.

I am thankful for our family traditions that we have made and for the new ones that me & Scottie make together. Like having his brother & his girlfriend over for a yummy breakfast while watching the parade! 

I just feel so blessed for the life that I have. We may not be extremely wealthy in the money department but I feel extremely wealthy in the love/happiness department and that for me is worth so much more.

I was listening to the radio and heard the DJ talking about how it's great that everyone sits and thinks about how grateful they are for their lives and thinks about what they are thankful for, then the next day turn into crazy animals trying to get "the deal of a lifetime". Ain't that the truth! I'm definitely not one for Black Friday. I just can't handle all the craziness, and I'm not knocking those who do shop on Black Friday (trust me I know there are some amazing deals out there) I just think I'd rather relax and enjoy more family time.

And on that note I must get ready. I have to finish my vegan mini cheesecakes (that truthfully are not turning out so well) and get ready for the day. I treated myself to a new sparkly sweater for today's events! Oh the little things! Well I hope everyone has a beautiful day and enjoys each others company!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Finally a new post!

I feel like I've been away for weeks but really it's been like one? Maybe? I think? I'm not even to sure about that. The lack of posting is mainly due to the fact that Michelle has moved so her Internet is not set up yet and I can't seem to figure out how to post on my nook. (And I'm too lazy to drag my butt downstairs to write on Scottie's computer) Anyways lots of things happening!

First I will start off with the Halloween pictures as promised. I don't have many but enjoy.

 Here is Kody and Adora. Adora is Sleeping Beauty and Kody was a ninja turtle. (Not sure which one so don't ask.)
 Here's little Harper as a cupcake, so adorable!
 Here's Malacki, he's some sort of ninja. Forgot exactly what it's called.
And here's Danielle and Harper! So cute!

And now that Halloween is done it's getting closer to Thanksgiving! Yay! That means new decorations! I'm definitely loving having my own place for one big giant reason and that would be for the decorating! I love being able to decorate for the holidays, it's so much fun! There's so much stuff out there, so many DIY projects, the possibilities are endless!

Moving onto the next subject: MY BIRTHDAY! Whoo hooo! That's right I hit a quarter of a century this past Monday! And I like to thank my wonderful husband for throwing me a lovely birthday. He did so good! He got me decorations (a happy birthday banner, with a matching table cloth, napkins and plates!) He invited my parents, my sisters and his family over for pizza and wings followed by cake! Everything was perfect! The decorations were great and the cake was super yummy! (ice cream cake- SCORE!) I got some pretty sweet presents too!

 My AWESOME banner!

Birthday balloons!

 My amazing cake!
 Blowing out the candles!
Presents! (Cupcake candle from the in-laws)

Birthday cards!

My sister took more, like super cute ones of me with Kody & Adora and my wonderful husband but I can't get them to load right now so boo!

He threw my party on Sunday the day before my actual birthday so come Monday I get some goodies from the lovely people I work for! A gift card to Micheal's and a gift card to go out to dinner, doesn't get better than that! Oh wait, yes it does because my family rules! My cousins, Amanda & Heather took me too dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. It was really nice! Love them!

Then to follow that Scottie & I went to my best friends house for dinner on Tuesday, which was lovely! She started reading my blog and got me the sweetest present. To show that she fully supports me having a baby she got me a "Baby's First Christmas" ornament. (It's says Lil' Peanut on it and it's an elephant! LOVE!) I love her! Even though I fully understand where she's coming from and she totally didn't need to get me an "I'm Sorry" gift I love her for it. She also got me an adorable wine glass. And she made a cake, funfetti none the less! Love this girl!

Seriously super cute! And who's ever birthday that I know is next is totally getting one of these because I just think that are that cute!

In other news Michelle (the woman I nanny for) moved into an amazing, much bigger, much better house! It's awesome! There's so much room for me and the girls to play together and run around. And there's lots of room for alone time if needed. All the girls are in big girl beds & they love them!

I think that's all for tonight, next post will be probably about kids. (And no for once it's not about my future kids) I really need to get off though because it's midnight & church is tomorrow. So the end!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November is my month!

I can not believe it's November already! Like for real?! It's November?! According to the calendar it is in fact November! It's already November 3rd to be exact and that means my birthday is only TWO days away! That's right folks two days! I can't believe I'm going to 25! That's a quarter of a century!

[Disclaimer- I just think that everyone should know that every time I write November I spell it wrong. Isn't that awful, it's my own birthday month for goodness sake! So terrible, I'm the worst speller. I hope my future children don't get that gene!]

24 is definitely going to a year to be. I mean it was a pretty amazing year considering I got to marry my best friend, the love of my life, my soul mate (insert any other mushy comment here). I think this year I want to do 25 acts of kindness on my birthday. I'm talking cookies, cards, balloons, being helpful to all people I don't know. I was actually think of going to my old day care and giving balloons to those kids too! I just think it would be so fun! So hopefully I  can think of twenty five things to do!

I'm just so excited for my future! We have officially started trying for a little bambino so I'm super pumped about that! I know that we are going to be pretty sweet parents, well at least I think so! I'm already researching ways to save money & I'm pretty set on cloth diapers. I've done so much research and it just seems like the way to go. (And I know you're probably think it's gross but it's really not that bad. Did you know that you're supposed to flush down the poop out of disposable diapers anyways even though I'm pretty sure no one ever does- it even says it on the diaper package! So essentially it's like the same thing) Not only will it save us money but it's better for the environment, so it's a win win! It's just going to be so fun growing from a couple to a family of three!

And now that it's November Halloween is over! I don't have any pictures to post right now but I will be sure to steal some from my sister and cousin who came with us! So excited that Danielle came again, got to see little baby Harper! Love her, she's such a doll. They said she screams when new people hold her but guess what?! That's right no crying with me! Duh! All babies love me! Extra bonus she was a cupcake! Doesn't get much cuter than that!

I'm so excited for Monday! Not only because it's my birthday but because I get to see Michelle's new house! I mean yeah I've seen pictures but it's never quite the same as seeing in person for the first time. Essentially this is like my new home, I go there just about everyday so I've very excited to see everything!

Speaking of birthdays I think I might just have the best husband around! He told me yesterday that he was a hosting a family party for me at our house. He's getting dinner for everyone, getting me a cake, and even decorating. He is so sweet, I just adore him!

Alright that's it for today! I have cleaning to do, projects to start & projects to finish! Next post will include Halloween pictures and pictures from my birthday so be sure to check back!

P.S. Started Christmas shopping! Super pumped for my home-made Christmas!