I'm not sure if I posted these pictures yet but they just scream holiday cheer so they're going in this post too!
Seriously?! If this doesn't scream Christmas cheer I'm not what does!
Checking out the tree!
Putting the star on top!
Me and my girl!
Quick rant before I forget. Dear BabyCenter, I do not enjoy you calling my baby a toddler. (I get weekly e-mails from them talking about baby's development and all that jazz which is really nice because there is some stuff that I had no clue about.) Just because she turned 1 does not mean she is a toddler, a toddler is at least 2, ok? Thanks!
Ok so back to Christmas. I tried really hard again this year to not go crazy. I think I did really good. I didn't do the homemade route this year simply because I didn't have time. Heck I was out shopping on Christmas Eve for pete's sake! Although I did make a few things. We spent just around $475 (give or take a few bucks) on everyone. So we're buying for 18 people including Nella, friends and family. So that's just around $25 a person some less, some more depending on sales and what not, which is not too shabby! I personally loathe Black Friday. I just can't see getting up at the crack of dawn and fighting people for that one deal. And going out on Thanksgiving, well that's like a sin in my book. I'd rather hang with the fam. Again just my personal preference. I know some people love Black Friday and to each it's own! I did go out at the tail end of Black Friday this year and I'm talking like 5 o'clock (I know, I know hypocrite!) but it's only because I put up our Christmas decorations that day and because I'm OCD I had to get Nella her stocking holder THAT day because ours were already up and I did end up finding a few movies for Nella for Christmas. You can't beat it, Wal-Mart has movies for like two dollars! I usually wait for Cyber Monday to get my deals. I ended up getting seven people completely done and another two half way done, all from the couch! Now that's my kind of shopping. Here's some more Christmas photos:
Helping Papa set up the train!
Testing out the egg nog.
My shopping helper on Christmas Eve, yeah I know not so helpful!
Decorating cookies!
Oh yeah have you heard, Nella's hair is long enough for the tiniest pigtails you've ever seen!
Ok so I'm not going to lie I totally felt like a bad mom for maybe like a nano second looking at everyone's pictures with all their presents under the tree. Some people's presents practically filled the whole room! Santa brought Nella a kitchen and we got her four movies and a game. Now in my heart I know that's plenty, especially for a one year old. For one right now she takes forever to open presents and it took her a good 20 mins to get through those four movies and the game so I can't imagine getting her more and I knew that we were not the only ones getting her stuff. She had stuff coming from Grandma and Papa, Mimi and Papa, Aunts and Uncles, God-mommy and more stuff from friends so I knew she'd get plenty and honestly she probably won't even remember this year but for a nano second I did feel a tinge of guilt that I didn't get her more. Now don't get me wrong you want to go crazy for your little peanut the more power to you, I just know we can't. We jut don't have the space for it and I don't want to drown in toys. Nella also got a special treat this Christmas Uncle Phil came home! The last time we saw him was last Christmas, I think he was over pretty much everyday and we couldn't have been more happy! She really warmed up to him quickly so they got to play together!
She really loved her kitchen!
Opening presents with some help from dad.
Playing with Uncle Phil!
Merry Christmas ya Filthy Animals! Ha. She makes the best faces!
Her pretty Christmas dress for her second Christmas with Uncle Jeff!
A couple of things I've seen pop up on the internet that I really liked and will try to implement with Nella were having the less expensive stuff come from Santa. Not everyone is loaded, not everyone will get an I-pad or a new computer or a new gaming system so having some clothes, or some movies, or dolls or whatever come from Santa makes it more fair for other kids. I mean yeah maybe it's crazy to be thinking about other kids but I mean let's be honest some kids sadly don't even get a Christmas. I think it'd be nice to have Santa do a little less. Besides then you get to take all the glory for those sweet ass presents you got them in the first place! Another idea that I saw was making a list that simply says, "Dear Santa, I want......, I need........, I'll wear........, I'll read.........., And I'd really love you to bring me.........." I like this idea because it really makes kids think. They really have to think about what they really want and need and of course I love the reading part. When Nella starts writing those letters to Santa this is the list we will stick to. I just don't want Nella to want and want and want. Yes of course I realize she's going to see that commercial and will think that she absolutely have to have that baby doll or see a movie and want all those characters. I just hope we can teach her to appreciate what she does have and to be thankful for what she does get.
So as I said before I did end up making a few things for this Christmas season. I made these awesome necklaces for the ladies I work for, along with one for my sister and one for Nella's God-mother (and you can get the tutorial here: http://www.sugarbeecrafts.com/2010/04/glass-tile-pendants.html. Really not expensive and that promo code still works!) In case you missed it the promo code is sugarbeez10. To sum it up you re-size a picture put some diamond glaze on one side of the glass tile, stick your picture on, really press it on (make sure there's no air bubbles), let it sit for 5 to 10 mins and put a layer or two of the diamond glaze over it. I let mine dry over night before I super glued the hook on the back and that's it. Really easy and pretty cheap too! I think they came out really cute.
Close up of Michelle's
Nella made all of her gifts too. She made ornaments for everyone her list. Super easy, we just took her hand print on some salt dough and made santa and reindeer! Once her hand print was on the salt dough you cook them for 2 hours at 250. You can get all the instructions here: http://nasagreen.blogspot.com/2012/01/homemade-christmas-2-handprint.html?m=1. So cute and really easy. Sadly I didn't get any pictures of the ones she made!
We enjoyed a quiet New Years hanging with our neighbor. Scottie had the day off, I had taken down the decorations the day before and we did absolutely nothing. We even napped! It was wonderful. Even though we both had to go to work the next day, it was Friday so we didn't mind!
One of her besties Hudson!
My kid really does make the best faces!
Her first New Years Eve kiss, don't worry she didn't make it till 12.
Let's see in the world of Nella all is well. We've gotten down to just two feedings a day with the boob. She gets it right when she wakes up in the morning (like the first time she wakes up, which can be anywhere from 4 to 7, she eats real food at 8) and before bed. Sometimes if she's having a hard time going down for a nap (like screaming her head off) I'll give it her to calm her down and that's rare but other than that it's just morning and night. We've also started brushing her teeth, she finally got her two front teeth in so I figured now that she has four teeth it's as good of a time as any to start a good habit. She's still getting used to it (we've only been doing it for a couple of days) but she lets me open her mouth and actually get to her teeth so that's good. She's pretty much running all over. She loves to take stuff out and try to put it back in (like buckets and stuff). We're working on cleaning up which she does pretty good at as long as you never stop telling her where to put things. Ha. It's really amazing to watch her grow and watch her do all of this stuff. She's getting really good at using her spoon and fork. She's a really good eater, loves her broccoli and any fruit! Scottie had Chinese food and she was pointing at it like she wanted some, I told him to give her some rice and she said no (she's really good at that!). He always picks out his broccoli (he pretty much hates all vegetables) so I told him to give her the broccoli and of course that's what she wanted, ate it right up! She's saying quite a few words now, Mama, Dada, Papa, No, shakes her head yes, we're working on please, she finally says Mimi, still working on Grandma! She's super good at going up the stairs, can go up super fast and even has learned how to go safely! She can make quite a few animal noises and knows almost all of her body parts! She's become very independent, likes to play on her own (which I love) and she's even beginning to love on Daddy. She loves to go down stairs and play music with him, her favorite is the drums. She follows him around now too and what's to help him! I love watching their bond get closer and closer.
Brushing those pearly whites!
She loves the drums!
Helping daddy at church!
Look at all that hair!
Also new in Miss Penelope's world is she's started going to the church nursery. The first time she was a hot mess, pretty much cried the whole time and was a wreck the rest of day. Wanted nothing to do with anyone but me. This last time (which was her third time) they said she didn't cry but sat with Sam (one of the helpers) pretty much the whole time. She still cried when I came to get her but she did so good. Usually when Scottie plays on the worship team we will all go early while they practice and I let Nella run around and get some of her energy out. Normally she will fall asleep during the music when service starts but not anymore. She's getting louder and doesn't want to stay still, so off to the nursery she went. It's hard as a mom but I know she's safe and it's good for her. It's only for half an hour (we keep her with us while they play music) so I know it's really not a big deal and I know it will be good for her in the long run.
This month although the holiday season is over we still have a lot to celebrate. One of Nella's besties is having his birthday party, we just celebrated Papa's birthday and we still have Uncle Darrell, Daddy and Kody to help celebrate! Nella loves a good party, she gotten really good at destroying any cupcake you put in front of her. Keep a look out for another post coming soon about what else besides Nella and my New Years resolution! And with that Happy New Year everyone! Thanks for reading!
Papa's birthday!
Loves cupcakes! Who doesn't?!
Here's some more of my girl enjoying the Christmas season!
Oh you know just doing some shopping. Awesome cart from Aunt Ashley and family, and those sweet glasses came in a purse from Auntie Cailin.
Enjoying more presents! Auntie Rachel got her dishes for her kitchen!
More presents from Auntie Amanda!
Enjoying her awesome plate set from Auntie Amanda!
My baby last Christmas, and you can scroll up to see her this year. Man what a difference a year makes.
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