Friday, October 17, 2014

Getting crafty

In my down time I've been doing quite a bit of painting. My girlfriends and I about a month ago had a craft day which was super fun. We decided to do some paintings, one of my friends is moving and wanted to make some new stuff for her place. We went to Micheal's and picked up some canvas and paints, got some stencils and other odds n ends too. We looked up some inspiration on Pinterest and I found this sweet alphabet picture. They had it on two pictures but I decided to put them all on one. It ended up taking me four days to complete but it turned out amazing so I didn't mind!


Gender Neutral Safari Nursery + DIY Projects

My painting (I absolutely love the way it turned out! It took forever but totally worth all the hard work!):

I had Nella make a painting too! I just used some tape to tape down a pattern and had her go at with some paint once I was down. She loves to paint! I'm hoping she'll be crafty like Mommy! Here's what hers turned out like (Love this too!):

I also made her another canvas with the bible verse that we used at her dedication. I wanted to have it so she has it as a reminder as she gets older. This was my inspiration:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God  is  with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Because we only used "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" I just didn't paint the beginning part. But I used this picture as a guide for how to write it and with the leaves and plants around the words. Here's what mine turned out like:

You'll have to wait for a picture because Nella is asleep and it's hanging up in her room!

I also have had my eye on a sign similar to this:

Please excuse the mess we live here, Instant download, chalkboard Print, funny home print, Digital file, mess printable, nursery, wall art

Again I had an idea in my head of what I ultimately wanted it to look like, but I used this for the idea of what  I wanted the writing to look like. I added a few things and this is what I came up with:

Sorry the picture's so crappy, but it's now hanging on our wall and I was too lazy to take it off! But you get the main idea of what it looks like without having to get up close and personal!

I've also been doing a few small projects around the house. Maybe someday I'll get to organizing the basement but until then I'll settle with what needs to be done upstairs! Nella will be getting a kitchen for Christmas so I had to make some room in her room for it to fit in and for her to be able to play with it. I ended up switching our dressers and taking her changing table out. My dresser is long so it fits her changing pad on top so it works as a changing table too. I just sanded it down and re-painted it.

It turned out like this, and I absolutely love it!

Well that's what's been going on around our house! Have you been working on any projects lately?!

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