Nella held out. Even though I tried everything to get her out. I walked as much as I could, I ate spicy food, took hot showers and yes we even had sex. Even that didn't work! She was stubborn and had us wait all the way until Friday to be induced. She was a week late at that point. Even though it was annoying and frustrating to me at the time it was actually a good experience for me. I'm a planner and very organized so being induced actually worked for me. I was able to clean the house, so we wouldn't come back to a pig hole, I got to go to the grocery store and buy some essentials so we wouldn't have to rush out when we got home, I even re-checked our hospital bags. Once there was nothing left for me to do all I could do was wait. I waited for Scottie to get home, once he got home we were off.
We got to the hospital right at 6 o'clock, we got checked in and were sent to labor and delivery. We settled into room 8, I got dressed in that lovely hospital gown, got hooked up to all the monitors and waited. Our doctor came in a little after 7 checked me, still was only 1 cm, and gave me cervidill to get the process going. This pretty much gets your cervix ready for labor and delivery by softening and ripening it. It causes cramping so at around 11 I got a shot that took care of the pain and let me sleep. My poor husband didn't get much sleep that night but he wasn't going anywhere. And my amazing mother stayed all night at the hospital even though nothing was happening, she was afraid if she left she'd miss something. She finally left to get some sleep at 5 in the morning!
Our doctor came in at around 8 the next morning. He checked me, said I was about 2 cm dilated and would start the pitocen. This would start contractions and really get the party started. I really didn't feel anything. The nurse said I was having them but they weren't that painful at all. At around 1:30 our doctor came in checked me and told me I was 3 to 4 cm, then he broke my water. That was the ticket. The contractions started coming one after another and boy did they hurt. I think I lasted an hour before I got the epidural. They checked me again and I was up to 7 cm! Once I got the epidural I was good to go. We waited maybe another hour before I was fully dilated. Scottie was so excited he couldn't stop smiling but I told him to stop it because hello I was in pain! No smiling allowed! I could feel the contractions at this point too, not full on but enough that it hurt.
Our nurse got me ready and I started to push! It was crazy. Every time I felt a contraction I would take a deep breathe and push, I got three pushes in with every contraction. My contractions were far enough apart where once I pushed I could really re-group, catch my breathe and re-focus on giving another good push. I had my eyes closed the whole time, I was concentrating on Scottie's voice, my mom's voice and the nurse's telling me to keep going. Scottie actually watched the thing. I could feel pressure but that was it. Before we knew it she was out. Scottie cut the cord and she was placed on my chest. That's a moment I'll never forget, it was absolutely amazing. So surreal. You've waited so long to meet this little human you created and it's finally here.
Penelope Lynn arrived on November 16th, 2013 at 5:08 pm weighing 7 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long.
I'm so glad my sister was there to capture these precious moments.
This was literally minutes after she was born.
Getting weighed and cleaned up.
With Daddy.
Not sure why we were making these faces but I love this picture.
There were quite a few a people waiting to meet here so probably about an hour after birth the flood gates opened and everyone got to meet her!
Auntie Amanda
God-mommy Amanda
Love this picture. My god-mother with Nella's god-mother.
Cousin Heather
Aunt Ashley and cousin Adora
Mimi DeVoe
Papa DeVoe
Enjoying some alone time.
We were moved that night to our new room where we stayed until Monday morning. Daddy went home to sleep, the recliner wasn't really working for him. I sent my little bean to the nursery so I could actually get some sleep. They brought her back for feedings every couple hours. So far she's doing really well with breast feeding and I am thankful for that. We had some more visitors before we went home.
God-mommy's back for some more loving.
Cousin Kylie.
Cousin Mackenzie.
Cousin Kody.
Cousin Adora.
Her first outfit.
We love her so much and are happy to be home now. Daddy's vacation is over which makes Mommy sad but knows he's only a phone call away. We are enjoying being home and look forward to all the adventures this wild ride is sure to bring us.
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