Now here are, it's September already! So how do we get ready for going back to school? During the summer I don't really follow much of a routine. I let Nella stay up longer than I normally would, we eat treats (probably too many) and watch lots of movies. I really start to crack down about two weeks before school starts. Nella is transitioning out of naps so I want her in bed by 8. No naps means she's pretty tired at the end of the night. We start getting ready around 7:00, everyone gets their jammies on, she gets a small snack (once Henry is in bed), brushes her teeth, says her prayers and then it's off to bed. Of course she fights it; but I know she needs it. She's been doing really well with it. It's nothing crazy; just trying to stay consistent is key. I think it's safe to say we are ready for the school year ahead.
This year will be her last year in preschool. It has been pulling at my heart strings for sure. This is her third year at this preschool with Miss Stephanie. Man I could go on for days what a great teacher she is; Nella has grown so much over these three years. I can't wait to watch her this year. This year she will be going in the afternoon class; hence the transition to no naps.
This is my girl on her very first day of preschool!
Penelope will be FIVE in November; don't ask we how that happened because I just don't know. It goes by too fast. Nella is a November baby so she could go to kindergarten this year but we have chosen to keep her in preschool one more year. Do I think that she would make it in kindergarten; hell yes I do. This girl is one smart cookie but we were not focused on now when we made the decision. The thing that kept sticking out to me that later on she will be only 17 when she starts college. To me that seems so young. I can't help but think she can only benefit from going to kindergarten next year instead of this year.
If we needed to send her I think she would do fine, I really do. But guys kindergarten is not the same anymore. When I went to kindergarten it was a half day program; over the years it has become a full day program. Which is a dream for working parents and I'm not knocking that; but it's a lot. I don't think people fully realize how much it really is for a kid. At least for a kid who maybe didn't go to preschool or a pre-K program or doesn't go to daycare. When that kid enters kindergarten now they are expected to know their letters and their numbers already; they are starting the process of learning to read in kindergarten. Yes that's right- they are already learning to read! When I went to kindergarten we were taught our letters and numbers! I am a huge fan of learning through play. I think it's so important for kids to be able to discover and explore through play. That is the main reason we chose to keep her in preschool just one more year.
We also decided to stay another year because that's what we think is best for her. We think this will be the best transition for her. This was the first summer that I actually did not enforce naps. She had to find something quiet to do because her brother still naps (I am not ready for that yet). So last year she did the morning class and this year it will be the afternoon. We can do stuff in the morning and she will go to school after lunch. I think it will be the best way for her to transition into a full day of school. We are also upping her days from three days of school to four. I am really excited to watch her grow and I can't wait to see what she does this year. I know she's going to do great things. But I'm not going not going to lie, my momma heart is a little sad that my baby is getting so big.
Baby girl you are going to big things, I can't wait to watch it all!
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