She's doing so much now, she's walking, running and slowly starting to talk. I strongly encourage her use of words because let's face it words are easier to understand than whining. So far she can say the normal momma, dadda, mimi, papa, still working on Grandma, getting better though. I swore she said Noah (her cousin) one day, we're still working on her other cousins names (Kody, Adora and Logan) along with the girls I nanny for (Lexi, Addie, Eva, Lainey and Jackson too) she's pretty close to saying Jackson and Lainey and she can say Addie really good. She can say ball, hot, happy, whoa, yeah, up, no, stop it, baby, please, of course right now I can't think of anything that she can say. Just know that she can say a lot. I'd say at least, if not more, twenty words. She knows where most of her body parts are, she knows plenty of animal sounds (cow, cat, dog, snake, lion, owl, sheep). She's very vocal, she's very silly. She loves to laugh and dance too. Her new move is her spin. She just goes round and round until she falls over.
She's gotten very good at climbing, she can make it up a flight of stairs in I swear less than 30 seconds. Actually it's true, I timed it. She can make it up in less than 30 seconds! And even better she is able to get down all by herself. Don't worry I'm usually there when she does but if I ever wasn't paying attention it's nice to know that she can make it down on her own and not fall. She sits on her butt and scoots down. She can get on almost any couch, and now even our couch. She also just figured out that she can get on the recliner too and even more fun she found out that it rocks too and that is super fun!
We recently had a snow storm and got a ton of snow. Daddy got to come home early so while he got rid of all that snow from the drive way with the snow blower I took Nella outside to explore. Even Hudson came outside to see what was going on. He didn't seem to enjoy it that much but Nella was all over it! She was walking all over, pulling her sled around and even touching the snow. I think she just like to walk around in her boots.
Hanging with Hudson
Helping dad snow blow
This picture's my favorite
She's just so fun to watch. She loves to play. I love to watch her in her kitchen and playing with her trucks. She makes the sounds and everything, it's pretty cute. She loves her babies, gives them plenty of snuggles and kisses. She likes to wrap them up in blankets and feed them bottles. She loves any toy she can push, especially her stroller and shopping cart. She's gotten pretty good at throwing balls too. It's hard to get her to play by herself before dinner, she's constantly at my feet while I'm trying to make dinner so when daddy gets home he's on entertainment duty. Which can be hard because when she's hungry it's hard to distract her from that. She loves her food. I think that's the hardest part of the day. She just gets so cranky, so whiney, and just wants to be held and I'm trying to make dinner! Hello hot stove here! She's gotten really good at dinner time and will nine times out of ten eat everything in front of her. Which makes my life easier. I said it before that I will not be a short order chef, but it's hard at this age. I want to make sure she's getting enough food with regards to nutrition. I know she's growing so I guess we're doing ok on the food front. Update: This past week she has transformed into a picky eater. It's super fun. I make her meal and she doesn't want really anything except her fruit. She does pretty good at dinner time still thank goodness. I will not give in, I refuse to make her special meals. I know she likes the stuff I am making, she's just being a poop.
She also loves to read, she'll read the same book a million times, you might not make it through the whole thing but you'll probably start it at least five or six times.
Peek a boo!
Playing dress up
One of her favorite books.
So happy!
She likes to steal mommy's water.
She's so silly.
Chatting on the phone with Mimi.
Hanging with dad, stealing his food.
We are, well I am really working on her having nice hands. She likes to hit. If you get in her way or take something from her you better watch out because she will come at you. On one hand I am glad that she will stand her ground but she can't be hitting her friends, or pulling hair because let's face it they're not going to be your friends much longer if you keep hitting them! Am I right or what? I recently read an article that said they hit to see the reaction. It's really not to be mean but their curiosity wants to see that reaction (which made me feel better) and I do see that with Nella, but I also see that she gets mad when people take her stuff so we're working on it. Sometimes she's honestly just trying to look at their face, look at their eyes which can lead to poking them in the eye. So I'm a broken record all day, saying nice hands, nice hands, No, no don't touch their face, ok Nella all done.
I'm so glad I nanny. Sometimes it can be hard, sometimes it can make for a long day but it's so fun to watch her interact with kids her own age. I'm so glad she has so many friends that are around her age. It's fun to take her to parties or play dates and watch her interact with them.
Hanging with Hudson and Sadie.
I swear they like each other.
Our little rocker chick.
Watching the snow.
She's finally gotten more consist with her sleep schedule. Can I get an amen! She usually goes down around or a little before 7:30 unless we have the neighbors over or are visiting someone. We've gotten into a pretty good routine, we brush her teeth and then she nurses, sometimes she falls asleep on the boob but for the most part she goes down awake. Most nights she goes down without a peep, there are some night where she tries to put a fight but her crying doesn't last longer than five minutes. Once in a blue moon she'll wake up at 3 or 4 but for the most part she sleeps until at least 6:30, which is perfect. I wake up and get my stuff done then I get her nurse her and we are out the door. Once in a blue moon she'll get to sleep with us for a couple of hours in the morning but that's about it. I'm very thankful for the sleep. I still every night go and check on her before I go to bed.
Looks comfy right?
So sleepy.
I'm also thankful to still be nursing her. As she's getting bigger I get more sad because I know sooner rather than later our nursing journey will be coming to an end. She's done so good and I'm proud that we've made it this far. Especially since she's not a big fan of whole milk. I'm glad she's still getting milk from me. Although it is weird to have her going down my shirt, especially when we're in front of people but oh well what can you do.
A big shout of to my momma friends. I am so glad that I have so many friends that have kids, it's nice to be able to vent to them. Seriously having girlfriends is a must, how else are we supposed to make it through this crazy world? I'm so blessed with the women I have in my life. Not only do I have my mom, my sisters, my mother in law, sisters in law, all my cousins and crazy aunts but I have this fun group of girls that I am honored to call my friends. It's so fun to hang out with people in all different stages of life. One of my girlfriends is single, young and living on her own, I have one who's getting married, one who's married with no kids and a bunch of mom friends some married, some not. It's so fun to just hang with everyone and watch. I love them all!
Stepping outside my comfort zone this weekend. I am dying my hair purple! Yes you read that right, PURPLE! Gahhh! I can't believe I'm really doing it. I've seriously been thinking about this for probably a good three years and I am finally doing it. I figure the worst that can happen is I hate and I get a box of dark brown hair dye and dye over it or just wait for it to grow out. Fingers crossed I love it. I'm going to start out dark so it's not too shocking but I'm sure I'll go brighter soon enough! Pictures soon!
But for now, here's some more pictures of Nella:
Seriously the cutest!
Sharing is caring
Love her little piggie tails!
Last weekend Scottie's brothers family was visiting for the weekend and they stayed with us. I love when they visit, we always have a good time. Nella loves to be able to hang with her cousins, she was obsessed with baby Colton, she just couldn't give him enough kisses and I don't think he minded that much. We were sad to see them go but we know we'll see them again soon!
Reading with Uncle Jeff!
And Aunt Autumn
She insisted she had to have a bottle with the baby.
She loves Teagan too!
And more kisses!
We seriously have such a good life. I am beyond blessed. We may not have much money or always be able to do certain things we want to do but damn the love in our house is worth more than anything money could buy and for that I am grateful.
One last picture. Here is a typical first birthday. Parents want a cute picture of all the kids together, put them in the ball pit they say! Ok here we go, look over here! And this is what you get. This is real life. You have the birthday girl happy as can be, Nella who has no clue whats going on or why Husdon is climbing on her and then there's Sadie who clearly does not want an part of this. Haha. Happy Friday everyone!
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