Pet Peeve #1: Doctors
Not all doctors annoy me, I have some pretty sweet people in my family who are doctors and they're awesome. Actually it's just one doctor in particular. Normally when Penelope goes to the doctor we see Dr. Woods, who by the way is fantastic and we love her! But sometimes her schedule is booked up so we go with another doctor. This doctor irritates me to no end. She goes so fast, half the time I don't even know what she's saying. The biggest pet peeve of mine is that she always acts like I'm an idiot. I feel like she's judging me. I'm not sure if it's because we have medicaid (sorry we can't afford the insurance Scottie's work offers) or if it's because she thinks I'm young. Although I hate to say it I feel like Medicaid has a certain stigma attached to it. I could be completely wrong & just be paranoid but whatever. Every time she talks to me about Nella's development she talks to me like I'm a moron. Little does she know I have an associates degree in early childhood education, so I do have just ab it of an idea of where Nella should be and what she should be do doing. So don't ask me if I carry her or let her crawl. Of course I let her crawl, why would I carry her every where when all she wants to do is move and be free.
And don't tell me not to force feed my child. I think I know when she's done, I think I am more than capable of respecting my daughter and watching her for signs of her being done, thanks. I bring this up because when Nella's height and weight were measured the doctor said she was the size of a one year old. Yeah, so what? Big deal, I'm tall and so is her father so she's going to be a big girl. Now I am not an expert on nutrition and I get it, I get the whole risk of childhood obesity and all that jazz but really, she's 9 months. She's measuring 3 months ahead, is that really a big deal. I'm not giving her juice or anything she shouldn't have. She eats fruits, veggies and some yogurt. Once in a while she'll have some pasta or a bite of cake at a party but for the most part she's very healthy.
Now granted I could be completely over reacting and she could just be doing her job. Asking the questions she always asks to everyone but I find her questions annoying. She doesn't do it in a friendly way, it's more condescending and it really bugs me. Ok enough of that onto my next pet peeve.
Pet Peeve #2: Mom Wars
I am blessed to be surrounded by a group of moms who honestly do support each other in whatever choice they decide to make for their kid and that's the way it should be. Everyone is different. Everyone has had a different up bringing, everyone has different views, that's what makes our world a fun place to live. Different is not a bad thing.
It's start even before your babe is born. Natural delivery vs. having an epidural. If you can have a natural birth more power to you. I was induced so labor pains were intense, I got an epidural to take te edge off and Nella turned out just fine. Which ever you choose, you go mama! Labor and delivery is hard work so do what's best for you!
I'm sick of the breast is best slogan. Recently I've seen people using the hash tag breast is best for us. And I really like that. Like it or not, not everyone can breast feed nor does everyone want to breast feed and that's ok.
Some other things that really doesn't concern anybody but the family is weather you choose to co-sleep or put you're kid in a crib. I'd probably have Nella with us in bed a lot more if she didn't hate it. She literally can not fall asleep in bed with us and that's fine. she needs her own space, nothing wrong with that. And there's nothing wrong with co-sleeping, as long as you don't squish you're babe you do you.
Oh and this is a fun one too. Organic vs. non-organic. I choose to feed Nella all organic or as close as I can get to it, but not everyone has that luxury because it can be expensive. I know there's a million arguments out there about why we should all go organic but sometimes it's just not possible. So let it go, don't bash a mom because they're not giving there baby what you might think is the best thing. The kids eating right?! Can't we just be happy with that?!
Here's another good one, crying it out vs not. Sometimes it has to be done. Better have a parent let their kids cry it out instead of shaking them right? Yeah I think so too. Who cares, as long as the parent isn't harming the kid it's ok. No it may not be the way you do it with your baby but it's ok. Now I know there is a lot of research out there proving that crying it out is bad, it;s bad for their emotional growth but my mom let me cry it out and I'm ok!
It's just so annoying. I feel like we're going to end up with a generation of bullies. Instead of seeing their moms empowering one another, supporting one another, encouraging one another they're seeing moms nit pick at each other for every little thing. So ladies can't we all just get along? Let's build each other up instead of tear each down!
P.S. Sorry if I offended anyone, just taking a moment to vent here, this is my blog so if you don't like it don't read it! (Not to be a bitch of anything, but really)
And to take the edge off, here are my girls 9 month pictures. What a beauty!