We've been squirreling away any extra money we had, seeing how much groceries we could get for the least amount of money, pretty much living week to week, pay check to pay check. Thank god our land lord is pretty awesome and doesn't mind the rent check being just a little late.
We recently got our tax return and because of our beautiful bundle of joy it was more than what we normally would receive. We've decided to each get $1,000 save half and pay off people we have borrowed from. I'm using my money on a down payment for a car and Scottie's using his for whatever he wants.
I'm also in a wedding coming up in June so some of it will be for that. This money couldn't have come at a better time. We've gotten back on track with all of our bills and things are looking good.
Now this post is not to complain about our money woes or to celebrate being out of the hole but to talk about something I like to call "mom guilt". Since having Nella I find it hard to buy things for myself, I'll look at a shirt but tell myself I don't need it. Well news flash since more than half of my clothes don't fit right at the moment I do need it. So I'm letting go. I'm letting go of that "mom guilt" and giving in to just a few things that I want/need.
Granted most days I stay at home and am more than happy with my hair in a messy bun, yoga pants and a v-neck shirt but on occasion I do have to look presentable. I just had my cousin's bridal shower, and my best friend has her's in April and then there's always church and the doctors office (yes I get dressed up for the doctors office, hey I don't get out much). So I did allow myself to get a couple of new shirts, and a new pair of jeans.
Let's face it, it's going to take a while to get my body back into shape so I need to feel good in the clothes that I have for my current body. Although shopping may have become a little bit more like a cruel game than the enjoyable experience I once remember, I know that I can find stuff for my body. I just have to be patient. I have to focus on how I look and not at the size. I know I'll get where need to be eventually but for now I need to feel comfortable in the skin I'm in right now. I need to stop focusing on what my body used to look like and start realizing that I'm still beautiful. My body did one of the most amazing things, I created a human! It took ten months to make her so I need to cut myself some slack and realize that I may look a little different but I still look good.
Exhibit A: New shirt, new jeans, big smile!
I also recently purchased a couple of nursing necklaces. Nella has a tendency to grab at anything I have on (weather it be a scarf, my sweater or even pulling at my shirt or skin...ouch!) so I decided to purchase some nursing necklaces. They are supposed to be something safe for your baby to hold onto, or play with while nursing. I found some really beautiful ones on MommyNecklaces.com and there's tons of hand made beauties on Etsy.com. A lot of them even double as teething necklaces (so I'd say they're pretty safe). They all use natural materials. I'm definitely excited to get those when they come in! I'll be sure to give an update on how well they work for us!
And to get rid of my lingering mommy guilt I got Nella the cutest Easter basket (for a pretty decent price- had a coupon!) It's adorable, has her name on it and everything! Granted she won't really need it for a couple of years but I'd figured I'd get it out the way while we have a little extra cash!
I'm also excited because I'm going to be working again! I hate that Scottie is the only one bringing in money, so I'm going back to my old nanny job. It will be good to bring in some extra money and it will be good for Nella. They have a baby just two months older than her, so it'll be good for her to get some socialization. I love these girls like my own, so it's really not like work!
Happy spring everyone! Looking forward to the weather warming up!