UPDATE: Went to my check up today. Everything is back to normal and I am good to go. Also good news is I am only ten pounds away from the weight I was before I got pregnant with Nella. So yay for that! Although once I lose those ten pounds I'd like to lose a few more, I wasn't exactly at my ideal weight or really in shape at all before I got pregnant so I've got some work to do!
Onto other news, we just celebrated Christmas. This Christmas was special, it was our Bean's very first Christmas, and although she won't remember it and really wasn't even awake for most of it it was still special. She got some presents, thankfully no one went crazy which I'm glad for. She really doesn't need anything quite yet. Aunt Julie got her a bumbo which even though my mom hates them I love them and really wanted one for her so I was excited about that! She got a baby doll, an Elmo doll that sings lullabies (which is so cute), she got diapers, a baby's first Christmas ornament, a new headband set, some new books and some money (which I plan on buying more books for her). Uncle Jeff is coming up tonight so I'm sure she'll have some new presents waiting for her.
UPDATE: Uncle Jeff, Autumn and Teagan got her the most awesome little red sox shoes/slippers and a caterpillar xylophone.
All dolled up for a holiday party!
Could she be any cuter?!
My little bean on Christmas eve!
Nella with her cousins
Decorating cookies!
Finished product, we worked hard!
Christmas eve naps with Aunt Courtney
Hanging with her God-Momma on Christmas!
The only picture I got of her in her Christmas dress.
We are still working on sleeping in her crib, which I will admit I have been big time slacking on but starting today whenever we are home she will be in her crib! It's exciting to watch her grow everyday. So far at six weeks she still doesn't really do much. She's very alert when she is awake but she is still sleeping a lot, which is fine by me. The more she sleeps the more she grows. She's starting to look at people more when they talk to her, she loves to stare at ceiling fans and of course any type of light. She loves her mobile on her swing, she always smiles at it. I think she's actually starting to smile for real and not just when she has gas which is awesome! She's so stinking cute! I'm not sure exactly how far she can see right now, but I'm pretty sure unless things are fairly close then it's all a blur. She loves her baths, we do baths in the morning (by night time mommy's too tired to try to get a bath in). She just sits in her little tub while I wash her, she's so cute!
UPDATE: My little bean has been doing wonderful in her crib! She's getting the hang of calming herself down in just a couple of minutes which is lovely (I hate listening to her cry!) We let her cry for five minutes then go in and calm her down. She really doesn't even cry and half the time when you go in to calm her down her eyes are closed, she's just being stubborn and trying to fight it. She's still in the rock n play at night just because I'm lazy and don't want to have to get out of bed to feed her, but she is sleeping five to six hour stretches at night which I am so thankful for!
I'm just having fun, I love to just watch her. I love when she's awake and looking around, and I love to watch her sleep, she just looks so peaceful. I love that I get to nurse her, it's such a peaceful time for us and she does so good. I'm a proud momma and I am enjoying every minute.
My sister recently got her little smile in full force! I am absolutely in love with these pictures!