Monday, September 30, 2013

Baby Shower Fun!

Holy crap! Can I just say that I can't believe that in two days it's going to October already! Jeeze time is flying! No complaining here, the faster it goes the quicker I get to see my baby!

So let's see last weekend I had my baby shower! It was amazing! My beautiful cousin Florie hosted it with some help from her mom, my mom, and mother-in-law. It was perfect. We had it at our church, they had it right in the lobby and it was just perfect. The decorations, food, the favors, the games, everything was amazing! It was the perfect amount of girly without going over board and in your face.

Bare with here, because there are going to be a lot of pictures! Of course my awesome sister took the pictures!
 My look for the shower! Found this fab dress at Target! And I had a coupon for $5 off so it was only $20! Not bad!
 Ellie and Baby Emma!
 Me and Adora
 Cousins Kenzie and Kylie
 Nella's God-mother Amanda, Heather and Aunt Jo-Jo

 Stack, myself and Rachel
 Me and Heather
 Me and Amanda
 Grandma DeVoe
 Me and my girls!
 Me and Grandma DeVoe
 Me, Amber and Baby Emma
 Me and the beautiful host Florie
 Ashley and Adora
 Yummy cupcakes
 The guest sign in sheet, so cute!
 Aunt Jo-Jo, my mom and Aunt Alison
 Opening presents!

 Me and Alicia
 Ellie and Adora
 Ashley and myself
 Aunt sandwich!

 Family <3
 My mom, me and Grandma Comley
 My mother-in-law, myself, Grandma Comley and my mom
 Mother-in-law and myself
 Aunt Beth, me and Florie

 Me and my god-mother!

It was so nice to see everyone there! I had a blast! Here are some of the gifts I got from my crafty friends! 

 Here's the diaper cake that Ellie made!
Some cupcake onesies from Nella's god-mother!
Lollipop onesies! There was whole basket of them, I forgot to take a picture of them all together!
My Aunt Beth made this awesome "bouquet". The flowers were made out of baby socks!
These were the favors. Different shades of pink nail polish with a little "It's a Girl!" tag! Love!
I can't even begin to explain how blessed we feel with all of this love surrounding us. I can't believe all the stuff we got! Thank goodness Adora was there to help me open all those presents. It would have taken me forever but with her I think we finished in an hour! She was super speedy! Her nursery is now complete, and not to toot my own horn or anything but it looks pretty damn good! 

This is all her stuff packed up in Scottie's truck! Unbelievable right?! And there was more stuff in my mom's car!

Couple of tips on how to get the most out of your shower. Have a diaper raffle. Pretty much goes like this, if people bring a pack of diapers they get a ticket to be entered into a raffle to win a prize. We are set with diapers for at least a couple of months. Another fun idea if you're into reading have guests bring a book instead of a card to start your baby's library.  I plan on asking people if they want to bring a gift to the hospital to bring a book so we can get her library started! And because she has more than enough clothes!

We also went apple picking too and took some maternity pictures! Again taken by my wonderful sister. I'll post those next post, along with pictures of her finished nursery! 

All we have left to do over here is get the hospital bag ready and then just wait. I'm hoping this month flys by!

Monday, September 16, 2013

I think I may have a problem....

Maybe it's just me, I know I get it from my mother and no- for once it has nothing to do with being pregnant. Although I'm sure it has helped to intensify it just a hair.

Ok so here's the problem: I feel the need to have my house looking spotless when people come over, and by people I mean my friends, my family and now the people I work for. I feel like all the dishes should be done, the floors should be swept and mopped. The rugs should be vacuumed and everything should be in it's place.

For example I just had friends over for dinner last night and I had finished putting up our fall decorations up earlier in the week but had failed to take the bin back down in the basement (I save that job for my husband). Anyways I get this whole plan in my head of what needs to be done and how I'm going to do it. Last night's plan went a little something like this:

1. Do the dishes
2. Rest for half an hour
3. Prep dinner and have it ready to go in oven at 5:00
4. Take a shower
5. Throw a load of laundry in
6. Vacuum living room

Does this seem like a lot? Because it is, especially for a pregnant lady. Add to that taking out all the garbage's (kitchen, bathroom and our bedroom) because I just happen to notice they are over flowing. And by taking out the garbage that means taking the bags out and piling them at the back door for my lovely husband to take out to the trash cans. Then I realize I have to clean the bathroom because I noticed all the dust on the toilet and mop that floor too (and I swear you can see everything on our stupid floor that I hate because it's so light it hides nothing). Then of course I have to find something to wear, let alone try to flatter this giant pregnant body. 

I think the worst thing about this little problem is that one it doesn't matter. The people who come over to our house love us and could really care less what it looks like. Two is that I always end up in a tiff with my husband. Of course it just happens to be right before people get there. I hate having that awkward tension between us. It happens every single freakin time and every time because of me. And I hate it, every time I promise myself this time it's not going to happen, this time I'm not going to be a spaz but alas it never fails. This time the poor guy was trying to get a short nap in and I'll admit he needed it. (His brother was visiting with his girlfriend this weekend which means staying up late and hanging out, even though he had to work Saturday morning then play at church the next morning.) But it was time to get up, there was only a half an hour till our dear friends were going to be arriving, not to mention the garbage still needed to be taken out and the bin put down stairs. I try to be nice and sweet but he takes forever to get up, then I get mad. I think that he's never going to get up and I'll have to finish all the work myself, but after me yelling he finally gets up. Did I mention it only takes him about 5 minutes but it seems like an eternity. So after I yell and he finally gets up, he gets dressed, does what I asked him to do and shockingly we still have time to sit down, put our feet up while we wait for our guests to arrive. Luckily we have time for me to say I'm sorry for yelling and being a spaz and the tension is gone before our guests arrive.

I really need to work on that. I get so mad at him and then I feel like a jerk, as I should because in the end I was yelling for no good reason. Everything was done. And half the time all that time I spent cleaning (and by cleaning I mean I really clean, not the fake clean when you throw everything in the closet and smile as they knock on the door) no one even notices. No one looks in our bedroom to check if our garbage is over flowing or to see our dresser covered with crap. No one notices the dust on the toilet, or the spots on the kitchen floor. So I get all worked up for nothing. I need to learn to just chill, half the time it's just people we already know coming over and I don't think they're about to point out our un-tidiness. Who would? I would never do that going over to someone else house. You're not there to inspect their house, you're there to enjoy their company.

I need to get that idea out of my head. That people are inspecting our house. It's absolutely crazy. I need to breathe, and slow down. I don't need to be making myself crazy over things that don't matter, especially at 32 weeks pregnant.

In other news my baby shower is this coming Sunday! I can not believe it. Time has flown. Scottie's brother and girlfriend (and Teagan too!) are coming up again this weekend too and I couldn't be happier! We're planning on going apple picking Saturday, which by the way we'll be taking some maternity shots. Scottie think it's stupid but it's something that needs to be documented. I mean even though sometimes it feels like it, it's not everyday that you're pregnant, let only with the first one! I am super pumped for this weekend! Pictures to follow for sure.

And I'll end this post with a few pictures, to end on a positive note.

This past weekend we celebrated our nephews birthdays! Can't believe how old they're getting!
Nella's beautiful baby blanket made by the lovely Dalisa. It's the prefect addition to her nursery.
 Here's me with my awesome new purse! Only 40 bucks! Thank you Kohl's!
Here's Nella's awesome baby book, that I'm absolutely in love with. It's the perfect balance of baby, family history and my pregnancy story. 
One of my beautiful cousins turned 22 this month (on the anniversary of my parents 30th wedding anniversary, special day!) so I made her this awesome cake!
Check it out! One of my sweet new maternity shirts!
My fall cravings! Carmel apples & sweet candy corn! 

And I'll leave you with this little gem of a story. I was sitting on the couch last Friday debating weather or not to text my husband and ask him to get me candy corn. Mario was asleep so we couldn't take a walk and look at CVS like I had hoped too. So I text him and I asked. I told him to look at CVS or Hannaford and get the Brach's kind, and make sure it had the pumpkins in it, being the amazing wonderful husband he is he says sure I'll pick some up for you. Finally he calls me. "Babe I'm at CVS and they don't have the brand you want. They have this other kind but not Brach's" And that my friends is when I thought the world was ending. I had been thinking about this candy corn for three days now! I told him not to bother, it won't taste the same and I didn't want it. He asked what other stores might have it, if I was sure I didn't want this other kind. I said I didn't know (I had gone to Wal-mart just the other day and they didn't have it- I was worried that no one did!) I said it was ok and hung up. Then I cried. Yup you just read that correctly, I cried because I knew when my husband walked through that door there would be no Brach's candy corn and I would be devastated. But just so you all know after pizza I went to Dollar General, and then to Target and I finally got my bag of candy corn! And no I'm not sharing. Happy fall!