Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Me oh my.

I can't believe it! We finally found out what this baby is going to be! After our first ultrasound which was a horrible experience. I had to wait for over an hour with an over full bladder because there was some kind of emergency (now don't get me wrong I hope that everything turned out fine with whatever emergency they were having to deal with at the time but I had to pee so bad that I was starting to become in pain!) Once I got in there I laid on the table and they started taking measurements. She told me she would do the measurements and then show me the baby. Scottie was unable to come with for this appointment so I invited my mom to come along. Mimi was thrilled! Sadly for me all I could think of was "Good lord please don't let me go to the bathroom on this table!" Finally after about a half an hour of taking measurements she let me go to the bathroom and when I can back I asked if she would still be able to see everything ok, and what does she say? She says, "Oh yeah, your bladder is still pretty full!" Ugh well that's good to know next I'll just pee and not sit and wait in pain!

Here's some pictures of the first ultrasound. The first is a profile shot and the next one is head on, it looks a little creepy if you ask me!

And after all that trouble they couldn't even tell us what it was because of the position the baby was in. It was in a breech position so their legs were crossed the whole time and really didn't have any room to move around.

But lucky for me I got a call saying everything was fine with baby but I needed to come in for another ultrasound, because of the way the baby was positioned they were unable to get all the measurements they needed. So just yesterday I went in again (this time I held off on drinking so much water). My cousin Heather went with me this time. And again this baby was in an awkward position. This time it's head was down and although the feet were up but they were still crossed. The ultrasound tech was able to make a decision though and she was pretty sure it was A GIRL! That's right little Penelope Lynn will be making her way to the world come early November! Now the tech did say nothing's 100% until the baby is out in your arms and with my luck that would happen. So keep your receipts everyone! Just kidding!

Here's some more pictures from the second ultrasound, just a couple of profile shots:

  There's her head
The picture's kind of crappy but this is a picture of her head, and she has her hand up against it.

And of course with all this lovely news comes a little unexpected news. On the way home from my appointment my car went dead. Insert big sad face here! We are still waiting to hear what's wrong with the car but when I talked to the guy at the garage this morning it didn't sound very good. He talks a lot so it's hard to take it all in, what I got was there's a sound that's coming from the motor which isn't good and then he said there comes a time where you have to decide when it's time to stop putting money into it. Yikes! That doesn't sound good to me! Wish I had rich aunt or something somewhere that could just swoop in and give another car. But hey that's life and normally doesn't work like that. Wahh so the waiting game begins.

Of course I'm trying not to stress, I know its bad for the baby but I can't help but think about money. I'm barely working this summer and I might have something for the fall but it's not set in stone yet so it's all really up in the air. Scottie doesn't make enough to cover everything, we're probably about $200 short at the end of month with just his paycheck. And that's without a car payment. Fingers crossed that by some miracle this car can be fixed or at least last a little while longer. Trying to stay positive.

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