Yeah, that title, that's me. I feel kind of bad. I feel like this should be the time of my life. Like I should be glowing and happy every second of everyday because I have this little miracle growing inside of me. And while I do think that everyday my actions may not always show that I do actually think it.
I get a little more cranky a lot more quicker than I used it. Not as much patience. I'm a hot mess emotionally. I'm so bad right now I see posts on Facebook and they make me cry. Sometimes I'm literally saying to myself "Girl get it together!" I think I'll really start getting excited once I know what the sex is. Then this little baby growing in my tummy will have a name. Once I feel some movement down there that little peanut will start growing it's own personality. Will it be a calm baby or is it going to be a soccer player?!
I'm feeling really lazy in my job. I feel like I don't do anything with kids. Although these past couple weeks this so called summer weather hasn't been so summery lately. Lots of rain (and when I say lots I mean pouring!) So we've resorted to watching movies, playing downstairs, just lots of relaxed play. I really need to get my creative juices flowing, get some more craft ideas going, just let them paint for goodness sake. And as I say this I think to myself "Hello idiot! There's only one week left!" Well if I get my creative juices flowing I'll just plan crafts for next year! Boom! How do you like them apples. But hey the kids are happy, they always tell mom I'm more fun. So that's a plus right?! I must be doing something right.
Let's see the title say "The woes of a pregnant lady" but I can't seem to think of any. I've been thinking about this blog post for weeks now and all the things I would write about but because I'm too lazy to go downstairs and go on the computer I forgot most of them. Now weeks later I'm actually sitting down to write it because my husband brought the computer upstairs (and I know what you're thinking, that I asked him too but actually I did not. So there!) to stream baseball games, our lovely red sox games that we don't get to see as much because we don't have cable.
The only other woes I can think of right now is being pregnant in the summer. I've come to realize that I can't be outside in the heat for too long or it makes me throw up. Found that out the hard way. Insert giant sad face here. Wahh! I hate throwing up. Although I am super excited to get the new maternity swim suit that I ordered! Hopefully it's as cute on me as it is on the model! I was going to rock a bikini but that was before I found out that I can't sit in the sun for more than ten minutes without burning to a crisp. And fun fact: I tried on the bikini that I had originally bought for this summer, and let me tell you- it was not cute. Boobs are too big, butt was too big, there was way too much crack for even my liking. Now I can handle a little crack but this was out of control and being pregnant, it was just not cute. (It's really never cute, but crack happens people.) So back to the maternity suit, I got a tankini because let's face it no one wants to see my lily white tummy, well at least I don't think it needs to be out. And maternity clothes are way more comfortable.
Bringing me to my next topic. Maternity clothes. I've been getting so annoyed looking for maternity clothes. First off any store that you go to that has a maternity section (and by any store I mean the ones that I've been too. Aka Target, Kohl's, stores like that) the section itself is so small. It has like five shirts, some pants, maybe five dresses and some tank tops. That's it! And I'm sorry but none of it's really that cute or stylish. I'd like to think of myself as a bit of a fashionista and this whole maternity thing is totally bringing my style down. And it's so hard because you can try on bigger "normal clothes" and that can either be a hit or a miss, but you put on maternity clothes and they are so freaking comfortable! And I'm sorry but I'm not going to spend a fortune on maternity clothes, it's just not how I operate, nor is it in our budget. Ok, sorry rant over. I'll be fine, I've found a couple of really good websites that have some cute stuff at reasonable prices so I think I'll be ok.
Well that about sums it up. The maternity clothes has been a big issue for me as you can tell from my rant. But hey can you blame me? I just want to look cute while being pregnant, and I don't think there's any harm in that! Moving on to more amazing things! I've started the nursery. I just painted it and I am in love with the color. It's called "Flagstone" aka grey. It's the perfect shade. I wanted a neutral color in case we have to squeeze two kids in there, and there's a big possibility they could be different sexes so yeah. I plan on doing pops of color with bright yellows and either bright blues or pinks (we will know soon enough!) All the furniture will be white, clean lines, all that good stuff. And will let all that color pop even more. Don't worry there will be pictures to come.
This blog is getting long, but I don't care. Like I said I've been thinking about it for weeks so the more I write the more I remember, so sorry for the vomit of all my unorganized ideas and what not. I just can't get over all the stuff we already have, and I can't even begin to imagine how much more stuff we are going to need/get. When they say that this one little person needs a whole lot of stuff, they are so right. I try to research everything before picking out my favorites. You know what's best for the best price. I'm definitely going neutral for the car seat and stroller because let's face it we're going to have more kids eventually and I am not to buy things over and over and again. If we end up having a boy and girl these things need to work for both! I've finally settled on a crib that I absolutely adore and yes it's white. We already have a bouncy seat with toys on it, a bouncy seat with nothing on it- but it vibrates. My sister gave me her swing (which I love, and it's neutral) and her breast pump. And no it's not gross- she's my sister! Super grateful for that because those suckers (no pun intended) cost some serious dough. We already have a dresser full or clothes, a baby tub, a hamper, a changing table, dresser and some toys! I've decided to not get you're traditional bed set. One I think it's a waste of money. Most people don't even use the comforter that it comes with (they say no blankets or pillows in their crib until they're like a year) and two those bumper things supposedly aren't safe anymore. You know with suffocation and what not. Although in the wise words of my mother "You guys survived." So I think I'll just pick a bunch of fitted sheets, one of those breathable bumpers, a bunch of nice soft blankets and a crib skirt (to hide everything we will eventually shove under the crib).
Ok I'm done for today. Sorry for the lack of pictures, I have a wedding to get to! Hopefully next post I'll be able to talk about if it's a boy or girl! This baby better cooperate!