Anyways back to the post. I started the process without even really knowing I did. I got her a potty about a month before we even started anything. She would always follow me into the bathroom so I figured at least she'd have some where to sit. I wanted her to really just get to know it before she used it. I know that sounds stupid but I wanted her to know what it was and how to use it before she actually attempted anything. Like really know how to use it. Lifting the lid up and actually sitting on the seat. Of course we had the standing on it, and using the seat as a necklace (gross).
She'll hate me I know, but I've come to terms with that.
After about a month of having the potty I figured hey let's give it a whirl. It she takes to it great, if it gets to frustrating we'll stop and try again maybe a month later. Looking back I think this might have been the key. No stress, no worries. I was calm which helped her be calm. So for the first week, I let her be completely naked. I knew she would have accidents so I watched her like a hawk. Hoping I could catch her so I could rush her to the potty hoping she'd make the connection. Yes she had accidents, pee and poop, but it was good. She was starting to figure out what her body was doing. We only did this until naps. After naps we'd give her a break and put her back in diapers. I knew she was starting to get it because after a couple of days while wearing her diaper she would tell me she had to pee. I would tell her it was ok to pee because she had a diaper on.
First time ever peeing on the potty! She was thrilled!
And yes I am that mom. First time she ever pooped!
Now after a week past we started fresh on Monday. I would take her to the potty every five minutes. Yes EVERY FIVE MINUTES. Even if she didn't have to go. I just wanted her to sit. The next day would be every ten minutes, the next every 15 and so on. Again I kept with the morning trend. I'd put a diaper on her for naps and keep one on the rest of the day to give her a break. I didn't know then but thinking about it now I guess I didn't want her to get frustrated or overwhelmed with the whole process. Now that weekend happened to be pretty busy so she was in diapers for pretty much the whole thing. I was bummed I thought she'd lose all that we had worked on during the week.
But my girl proved me wrong. That Monday I took her pants off and she pooped on the potty! Told me she had to go and everything! First time ever! And yes I took a picture and sent it to Scottie. From that moment on that was it. Of course I used the old here's a chocolate if you pee on the potty and two if you poop. That seemed to work well. She really did great. And yes if you're wondering I am that creepy mom who takes a picture. I took a picture of the first time she peed and pooped, as I said before Scottie got one. I know weird but we had to celebrate!
I think my biggest hurdle was leaving the house in underwear. That was scary. I tried to make her go on the potty before we left the house, and if we were going to a store that had a rest room I'd ask her if she had to go right when we got there and right before we left. I tried to pay attention to how often she was going. She seemed to always poop in the morning, right after she had her milk. Which worked out well for us because it was before we left the house. She can go without peeing for a couple of hours. So really now I just ask every hour or so as a reminder to her. And of course I always brought an extra diaper, underwear, and a new outfit just in case. Honestly I had to trust her. She was telling me when she had to go so I had to take her word for because if I tried to put her on the potty when she didn't have to go she'd have a fit.
Check out those big girl underwear!
The other big hurdle for me was no more diapers at nap time. Again I paid attention. I noticed her diapers were staying dry so we gave it a shot. I try to make her go before her nap but it doesn't always happen so I say a little prayer and put her to sleep. She's usually pretty good but again as expected she does sometimes wet the bed. Next will be no diaper at night time! And also at church nursery. I knew she'd be busy playing and would have a hard time telling other people she had to go. Just about a month ago we finally ditched the diaper. Again I make her go before she goes to play just to be safe.
I try not to get down on her if she has an accident. Especially if it's after a nap. She can take some long ones so I'm often pleasantly surprised when she doesn't pee the bed. We usually just tell her that's ok, it was an accident. Then we talk about where we go poop and pee.
Now dealing with set backs like when we started working in a new environment. I went back to the old candy trick again. It seemed to help her get back on track. I think I was having a harder time dealing with the accidents than she was. I was getting so frustrated because I knew she could go on the potty and I couldn't understand why she was having so many accidents. I tried time outs but that just made both of us upset. So like I said I went back to the old candy trick and that did it. Now don't get me wrong she has her good days and bad days but overall for 22 months I am damn proud of my girl!
Now we're at the month before her second birthday and she's pretty much independent. She tells me she needs to go and as long as it's a little potty she can go all by herself. Pull her pants down and will even wipe! I of course help with that, her favorite part is flushing and washing her hands!
If this helped you in any way let me know. Leave a comment, share it with your friends. How has your potty training journey been?