I really can't get over how fast this is all going by. My baby shower is a little over a month away and I can't wait!
I'm just hoping this pregnancy continues to go by fast, I've heard the end is the worst (waiting wise).
Alright enough with the chit chat, I have a confession to make. I don't like being pregnant. There I said it. You know you watch all the movies and see how beautiful it is, well for me it's not. At the moment I feel huge. Everything I try on makes me look even bigger. I know I've said this before but seriously the fashion department for pregnant women is seriously lacking and it makes me sad. I would like to think I am a pretty fashionable person but being pregnant and trying to look good is hard. Too hard if you ask me. I prefer tighter clothes, I like to show off my bump. A lot of the maternity clothes I've seen go away from the body, I think that makes you look even bigger! Ah well life goes on. So for now my fashion consists of yoga pants and tank tops. Wah! I'll get my groove back once she's here, I can swear to that.
Here's me feeling and looking huge at 26 weeks!
UPDATE: When I last wrote this (about two weeks ago) I was feeling pretty down about myself, about my body and it not being able to fit into "cute clothes" anymore. Well I woke up and decided I was on a mission to find some cute clothes. I started online and found a couple of shirts (all on sale by the way, nothing over $15!) I even found a shirt that I think I'm going to wear for my baby shower! Yes it's that cute! Next I headed over to Target to just take a look around. I was just there the week before so I wasn't planning on being able to find anything- yet again! But oh how wrong I was! The shopping gods were smiling down on me that day! I found maternity jeggings! They were perfect and I fell in love, and as an added bonus I had a coupon for 20% off! Awesome! So I ended up getting those and just a plain white shirt. I don't want to go over board on buying maternity clothes because well you only wear them for 10 months, and no this won't be my last kid but still.
Loving my new jeggings!
Another thing about this whole pregnancy business, it's hard work. I mean maybe it's different for each person (actually I'm sure it is) but for me it's hard. My back is always hurting, and I get it. I get that there's a small human being growing in my front and making me hunch over but back pain sucks. Another fun experience is heart burn. I've never had it in my life and let me tell you it is not fun. I don't even know how to describe the feeling other than it's just awful. And I can't really pin point any specific triggers yet so that sucks. And these stretch marks, really not a cute look. I'm crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer that they fade away once she's here. (Is that vain? Yes it is but tell me I'm the only one- I think not) And my boobs are huge! None of my bras fit and I'm trying to hold out as long as possible to get new ones just in case I grow even bigger, but I'll have to give in soon, these bad boys need some support!
UPDATE: When I went to Target I also had a coupon for 10% off nursing bras so I went to check them out. I found three bras on the clearance rack for $5. Yes that's right- just FIVE DOLLARS! Score! Both of the "normal" nursing bras were a shade of blue so I used my coupon on one of the full priced white ones. The other one I got (for just $5!) is kind of a t-shirt material- super comfy for around the house!
Oh and I can no longer see my feet.
My view at 26 weeks, no more feet.
Doctors appointments are down to every two weeks now, which is crazy! Blood pressure's good, Nella's heartbeat is good so we are medically good. I just had to take my glucose test and get some more blood work, one of my favorite things (can you feel the sarcasm in there). I just hate getting poked and that glucose stuff, ugh not the best thing. I mean maybe if I could drink it slowly but they hand to you and then stand there and watch you make sure you drink every last drop. So essentially you feel like you have to chug it, which makes it nasty. But it's over and hopefully that will be the end of that.
Now despite all of my moaning and groaning there are some cool things happening. At about 25 weeks I finally felt her move. Totally awesome! I could see it too! Of course I started crying immediately but then I tried to calm down in case that made her stop. She moves all the time now, sometimes it's because of what I'm eating or sometimes it's just because she wants to. It seems to me like she's on the same schedule as me, (is awake when I am, and sleeps when I sleep) either that or I just don't feel her moving at night.
At 25 weeks when I felt her move for the very first time!
Now don't get me wrong, as much as I complain I am so excited to meet her when she comes. I know this whole process will be well worth it in the end, it's just hard actually going through the process.
Some sad news over at the Francisco household. We had to give away our guinea pigs. I know what some of you are thinking, "Who cares they're just guinea pigs, they're gross, they look like overgrown rats." Well to us they were our pets. And although we didn't really play them as much as we should of, we miss hearing their squeaks. I know it's for the better though. All I keep thinking is that Nella will learn to crawl and somehow eat a piece of their poop, or hay or their shavings from their cage. (I know all mothers are cringing right now) So they had to go. And even though Nella won't be crawling anytime soon they'll be getting even less attention then they already do (which is not much). They were given to a little girl who wants to be a vet someday so hopefully they'll get all the love and attention they deserve.
UPDATE: Just got a message from the Grandma of the little girl who got to take our guinea pigs home, and she said she loves them and plays with them all the time. That makes me happy.
My guys right before I packed them up to go to their new home. And yes I cried.
Some good news for me though, I got my first "client". I've decided that I'm going to watch kids at my house and I got my first little guy. His name is Mario and he's three months old. It's only two days a week but it's a start. It's going to be so nice to not have to go anywhere but have the kids come to me.
Here's some more of my summer in pictures:
A couple of weekends ago (August 10th I believe) we headed up to camp to celebrate Dad Francisco's birthday! It was such a great day, beautiful weather, good food and fun with the whole family! Jeff and Autumn were even able to come up! Our hearts were full. :)
This past weekend we celebrated my sisters graduation from college. We
did a carnival theme. We had it all. We had a popcorn machine, a cotton
candy machine, carnival games and even prizes for the kids! I wish I had
taken more pictures, it's amazing what you can find at the dollar
store, I think we got all the decorations from there.
Ride home with 40 balloons, let's just say it was a little crowded.
The tent. The flags, and table cloths all came from the dollar store. For table decorations we got confetti, and mason jars. Super cute!
Close up of the sparkle mason jars, all you need is some glitter and some mod podge and you're done!
The star of the party! Congrats little sister!
Of course our little Copeland came! Love him!
I think Adora liked the cake!
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer! Soak up that sun, I can't believe it's almost over. And for the first time ever I am looking forward to fall, I am over summer & the heat. Bring on fall! I get to have my baby shower and I get to meet my baby girl! Gahh! So close but so far away!