First in big news I found out I was pregnant. Finally my dreams of becoming a momma are coming true. My belly is already growing and it's crazy to think that there is an actual human being inside of me. Like seriously?1 How crazy is that. Sometimes I can't believe it, it doesn't seem real.
Let's start from the beginning. It was almost Easter/Spring Break. I only had Good Friday off because spring break week I would be working back at good old Maple Leaf. I was a couple days late on my period so I picked up a pregnancy test knowing that it would probably be negative and that I'd get my period soon enough. So I went to my sisters and hung out for awhile, my husband was working so I decided to go to my parents house to catch up on my cable T.V. (because let's face it, that's what is really important on a day off!) I walked in and went straight to the bathroom. I figured well I have to pee anyways so I mind as well get the disappointment over with and I peed on the stick. I tried not to watch it rise up but I couldn't help myself. And then I saw it. I saw that glorious little plus sign that makes your heart skip a beat. That little plus sign that is going to change your whole life. I honestly couldn't believe it. Thank god my sister only lives two houses away. I literally ran over to her house to tell her, and of course like any good sister she hugged me and hopped onto the computer to figure out how far along I was. We figured probably around 7 weeks. Seven weeks already! I couldn't believe it. The computer said it was only as big as a blueberry, I just couldn't believe it!
All this time we had been trying and trying and trying and finally we got it. Now it seems so silly to have cried all those tears, when really all I had to do was let go. Let go of the control, let go of trying to plan out life. I mean who can do that anyways, no one really has any clue what their life is going to be like and I had to realize that and once I did things feel into place.
It's crazy! I told my mom when she got home, and waited for Scottie to get home and told him, we are very excited.
That's how I told him!
Right now I am 14 weeks along, it's about as big a lemon. I already feel like a whale but I love it. I love wearing tight shirts to show off my belly. It makes me happy to look in the mirror and see my growing belly, so very happy.
Baby Bump Love!
Ugh so here we go. Bear with me for a moment while I whine about the not so fun moments of pregnancy. When I think/thought of pregnancy I thought it was a walk in the park. I mean yeah you hear about morning sickness and all that jazz (and maybe I'm alone here) but I thought when I got pregnant it would fabulous. I would have this cute little belly and life would be grand. Well so far life is really not that grand. Thankfully there has been no throwing up but I am just nausea all the damn time and it's really starting to get annoying.
Update: Finally finishing up this post two days later and this week has been good. Really don't feel sick anymore. So let's hope that's over with!
Let's see where was I......Oh yes pregnancy being a walk in the park. Oh wait- it's not! The only other thing that has been affecting me is the sun. I burn so quick now. I can be out in the sun for maybe ten minutes and get a tan. This summer might be a little difficult but we'll rock it out. And the other thing of course is I'm super emotionally. I mean I've always been like that but not nearly as bad as I am now. I'll see something on Facebook and tear up. So yeah, I'm a hot mess. But other than that life is good.
I feel bad for the girls I nanny. I feel like I don't do as much with them anymore. I just haven't had the energy. Thank god it's nice out now and we can go outside, they love that! I am finally starting to get more energy so hopefully we'll be able to get in some more crafts. My girls do love their crafts.
For Mother's Day we made candles. So fun and so easy! Each girl colored a picture and they said what they like best about mom and I wrote it down. You have them draw on tissue paper, them you place that onto the candle put wax paper over and hold tight. Take a blow dryer and heat it, the drawing melts into the candle! So cool! I also had Kody and Adora make one for Mimi and their mom!
I actually celebrated my first Mother's Day as well. I know it sounds silly cause the baby's not here yet but the Kachadurian's got me a card that was so sweet (yes it did make me cry) and a cute little bracelet. My younger sister got me a picture for the nursery that I absolutely adore and Ashley got me some flowers! It's so weird but so much fun! I can't wait for next year when I can hold and snuggle my baby!
My stuff from the Kachadurians
And from Courtney. Love.
Gahh! There's so much going on right now! Getting a little stressed about money. I won't be working in the summer, well I will be a little but I won't be getting as much money as I do now. We are trying to save for when the baby gets here. We just won't be able to make it with just Scottie's paycheck. Hopefully everything will work out, I try not to stress about it too much I know it's not good for the baby so we'll just keep saving. We'll make it, I know we will!
Ok that's all for now! Have a lovely day. More updates to come on baby! (So fun to say that!)