Friday, September 28, 2012

There's always a first time for everything!

Well, here we go. First blog post. First off let me just say sometimes I type too fast and I leave out words. There will be many run on sentences and lots of spelling errors, but bare with me.

I am so excited to start this blog. I'm looking forward to venting, to sharing my crafting projects, to sharing my life.

A little about me....
I just got married this past May to my best friend, sometimes I think he's the only friend I got (which is sad because I'm only 24!)

Best day ever!

I just left my job at a day care to become a nanny again. I am very fortunate because the woman I nanny for will allow me to bring my future baby with me when the time comes!

My Girls!

I come from a "normal" family. Two sisters, one older one younger, two amazing parents and yes they are still married!

My family
My "new" family

I have probably around forty cousins (my Grandma decided it would be fun to have 14 kids....yes you read correctly 14! and I love her everyday for it) We are a pretty close family.

We're still missing a few here!

 I have a niece and nephew who I adore! They are my world. They're pretty awesome kids too!

Pretty cute!
So there you have it. That's me in a nut shell. I also love to craft, I love to bake, I'm getting the hang of cooking. I'm working everyday to be a better person, a better me. I think the main reason I created this blog is sort of like a mini- thearpy session. A place to vent and a place to show off what I'd like to think I'm pretty good at. Tomorrow I'll be posting about my "new" dining room!